Monday, June 16, 2008

Bday at Yellowstone

Sorry it's been a few days - was in Yellowstone park, and then had no time in between getting back to the dorms and celebrating my birthday at the local bar and starting in a new field area today with a new field camp instructor to blog.  
I still don't really have time, cuz we just started a new area today, which was huge and had HUGE relief, and was complication metamorphic and igneous rocks not nice straight-line sedimentary rocks, and it was HOT out today, so I'm exhausted.

Camping was cold, beer was fun, seeing lots of elk and bison was cool too. Also, saturday afternoon I did yoga with a classmate in the meadow covered in rhyolite glass shards on the coast of the river right next to our campsite, while my professor and another classmate fly-fished in it. My hands = ow, during downward dog.
We lost one professor, and gained another. Not a total loss, these two teachers sharing field camp instruction this summer are my two favorite geology professors I've had, so it's a dream team to me, but it was still sad and I almost cried when I hugged him goodbye when we left the campsite.  In a small geology department like ours, you get very close and attached to your teachers and classmates. 
Oh yeah, and it was my birthday on father's day (and my twin's), and upon arrival back at our dorms I opened a box from my mom full of chocolate vegan cupcakes she sent for me and all my classmates. <3>

I have Doctor Who to catch up on now.  

Anyway, meanwhile, here's some photos from Yellowstone of things we saw.  Personally, I thought all the rhyolite was cooler than the geysers, but it's mandatory to see them, right? Pictures include silly photos with bison, Old Faithful, the Terraces,  and Artist Point.  Enjoy!

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