Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I just heard a crash of thunder outside my dormitory room window and it filled me with glee. I love thunder and lightning!!

The past few days have been crap.
Our field area at Lime Gulch was enormous, had HUGE peaks to climb, which we did cuz we rock, and confusing metamorphic/igneous contacts to map.
The area we started today, with no break in between, is large, but (smaller) rolling hills, and packed with confusing metamorphic Archaean and Proterozoic gneisses and TONS of quartz and granite dikes.
The cool things about the area however, are that the metamorphic gneisses are 3.5 billion to 1.7 billion years old - so old, no life existed on earth except bacteria mats and mounds (stromatolites), and the mineralogy of the planet was such that basalts didn't exist yet - the material in the mantle was still too primitive (far too low in silica).
Also, there are HUGE FUCKING GARNETS in the gneisses/schists.
Pictures to come later.
Mostly, we just mapped a shitload of dikes today.
Anyway, it's cool to me...

Oh, AND my digital CAMERA broke today. No more photos of rocks for you guys. The zoom is jammed/broken off it won't even turn on it says "error", but at least I can get the pictures I took before it broke today off of it. I didn't do anything to it either, I took photos this morning of the mountains and then after I took photos of some garnets and put it back in my pocket, it broke. Did nothing! Gah. Oh well.

Tonight they're serving VEAL in the school cafeteria, so I'm not going. I think most people I talked to aren't going to eat it, but I wouldn't want to see anybody else in my school group eat it, it would alter my opinions of them, as strange as that sounds... and I just plain don't want to see it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Huge fucking garnets sound pretty awesome.

Veal is disgusting.