Wednesday, June 4, 2008

First day at Block Mountain

My ankles hurt bad, especially my right. Lotsa hiking today, and it was on mud and wet slippery rocks, in the cold rain. I did stay dry, except my toes, thanks to the marmot waterproof jacket I got for this trip at REI before I left.  We hiked at least 5.5 miles, and me and my field partner had to hike back about a mile in less than 15 minutes over huge hills and gullies to get to the cars on time at the end of the field day. So yeah, my ankles hurt, my legs too.  I have windburn on my cheeks.

The ink on my topo map of the area which we were drawing in contacts and strikes and dips on all day bled from the rain and it really pissed me off.  It finally stopped pissing on us at like 2:00 pm, which really improved my work and my mood drastically.

Going to bed soon - I was out of whack and tired and gloomy today, maybe more sleep will help.
Can't wait for that package from my mom!

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